Vision, Mission, Goals, and Values


Through instruction, scholarship, service, and community engagement, the SPCHS will improve the health of rural and underserved populations in the northern Rocky Mountain region.


Provide distance-based and on-campus learning opportunities, supported by scholarship and service activities, to prepare public health practitioners and researchers who will use global insight to improve the health of the people of Montana and other rural areas.


The SPCHS has defined its goals based on instruction, scholarship, and service.

1).  Instruction:  The SPCHS will prepare public health practitioners with a sound knowledge and skills base in the core disciplines of public health.

2).  Scholarship:  The SPCHS will conduct research relevant to faculty expertise that will foster an atmosphere of scholarship as our students learn public health science and practice and will contribute to the enhancement of health in human populations.

3).  Service:  The SPCHS will provide service to help meet the public health needs of Montana, the intermountain west, and rural areas beyond through consultation, collaboration, and continuing education.


The SPCHS has the underlying values of leadership, engagement, diversity and sustainability.  These essential values underpin our preparation of graduates and our contributions to society in the 21st century through high-impact teaching, research, creative scholarship and service.  We will realize our vision through continuous, intentional integration of planning, budgeting, implementation, and assessment.